Upcoming Event:  Welcome Party

Hi, all!  How are you?  It was soooooo dark this morning.  I know the winter is on its way.  I can't wait to sleep in starting in November :D  Yes, summer time is ending soon (Did you know that???)

Well, we have a big event coming up and I want everybody to come and join us to welcome Honorable Governor Ogawa of Fukuoka Prefecture of Japan.

Date:   November 19, Thursday

Time:   6:00pm

Place:  Feast Buffet    http://www.feastbuffetrenton.com/

             485 Renton Center Way SW Renton, WA 98057

             (425) 235-1888

Price:   $25/adult,  $8/child over 2 years old including soft drinks, tax and tip (alcohol is not included) 

             We will collect cash at the event.

RSVP:  Please e-mail who is attending (names) and how many are attending (including children over 2

             years old) to kaizokuyoko@gmail.com ASAP.  Since this event is held in a restaurant,

             the space is limited.  If you just show up to the event without RSVP, you will not get a


When all the seats are filled, we will close the registration.  So, pleeeeeeeeeease RSVP as soon as possible.  I strongly recommend for families with children to attend this event  because you want to meet these government officials especially if you are thinking about sending your kids to Japan using Fukuoka Prefecture's Cultural Exchange Programs

If you are the parents or grandparents, I encourage you to bring your younger family members so that our new members can meet them and our kids can make friends with your grandchildren :D  Almost forgot to tell you, we are thinking about going to the Great Wolf Lodge as one of Kenjinkai's events in near future.  I am sure that your grandkids don't want to miss out of the event and it will be fun if they have some friends in Kenjinkai.

WHAT!  YOU DON'T KNOW THE GREAT WOLF LODGE???  Please ask your grandkids about it=3  I gurantee that it's your opportunity to upgrade your status to be the COOL GRANDPA AND GRANDMA if you take them!

Also this time, I am thinking to send Evite to those who are kenjinkai members and have given me the e-mail address for the newsletter.  I think it is easier to RSVP.

OK, I've said all.  Have a good day and talk to you soon :D
