交流会のお知らせ:Social Gathering







場所:1415 2nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98101



**今回の場所ですが、県人会の方のお住まいであるコンドーにあるパーティールームをお借りして頂きました。なんと″お子さん達は良ければプールで遊んで帰ってください。ロッカールームもシャワーもあります。” なんだって!!!プールがあるだって?!ということで、プールについて詳しく教えてもらいました。”うちのプールは段々んと深くなっていて、1番浅い所が3ft、1番深い所が5ftです。

もちろん温水プールです。 プールの横にジャグジーもあるので、親御さんはそちらに入ってお子さんを監視出来ますよ。”ということです=3もし、プールに入りたいということでしたら、水着とタオルを各自用意してください。子供が入る場合は、必ず大人も水着を持ってきて子供の監視に付いてください。



シャーマン ようこ

Hello, how are you?  We will have a social gathering/farewell party on June 6. 


Who is leaving???  The Kenjinkai has been friends with Nob, the gospel singer and he is from Kitakyushu Fukuoka who has been working in New York city.  He decided to go back to Japan for good in June (T T).  He will perform during the party.  I think that will be fun since we have so many good singers in our group.


Here are the details:


Date and time:  June 6 (Sat)  4pm - 11pm

Place:  1415 2nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98101

What to bring:  Food and Drink - it will be a potluck.  Please bring plenty of food.  Also, please bring whatever you want to drink, alcohol, water or whatever you like to the party.


*The street parking is almost impossible in the area.  I was told that the parking garage across the street has a flat rate on the weekend for $8 or $9.  Please DO NOT PARK AT TARGET because it is very expensive to park there.


**There are an indoor pool and a hot tub available.  If you or your kids are interested in getting in the water, please make sure to bring bathing suits and towels.  If your child is getting in the water, please make sure that you bring their bathing suits too.  It is your responsibility to watch your kids when they are in the water. 


Our Kenjinkai member reserved her condo's party room for this event and the room can accommodate 25 people.  Since this a Kenjinkai social gathering, only Kenjinkai members are invited.  If you are member and want to attend this event, please e-mail me at kaizokuyoko@gmail.com to let me know who you are, how many people are coming, and what food you will bring.  As soon as we have 25 people attending the event, we will not accept anymore.


Looking forward to seeing you :D

